GTA24 Screening: Sharlene Bamboat: Both, Instrument & Sound


Paradise Theatre Sat, Jul 13 7:00 PM


Both, Instrument & Sound, directed by Sharlene Bamboat, follows the life of 80 year old Tony as he describes his process of political activism from the 1970s onwards. The 16mm film employs tension as an aesthetic strategy, to explore solidarity, collective struggle, and the transformation of these values under neoliberalism. The film’s score - co-written with musicians, the film’s cast and crew - sonically explores different interpretations of tension, which are performed and remixed using instruments of their choice. In the face of a growing politics and language of individualism, the film questions discourses and practices of solidarity. Through hand-processed 16mm film and collective listening practices, the collision of flesh and friendship, sonic and visual tension and the complications of solidarity are explored.

This screening will be presented with contributions from collaborators around solidarity movements.

Sharlene Bamboat, Both, Instrument & Sound (film still), 2023 Courtesy of the Artist.